A Life in the Theatre, by David Mamet
The Actor's Studio, Liverpool
A rare glimpse of the funny, moving, and unglamorous world of a life in the theatre. A Life in The Theatre focuses on the relationship between two actors, the play’s only characters. One, Robert, is a stage veteran (Schofield) while John (Fletcher) is a young, promising actor. As the play goes on they are involved in a variety of productions, and gradually their relationship begins to change in a series of short, spare and increasingly raw exchanges.
★★★★★- "a triumph" Joe Riley, The Post
★★★★★- "not to be missed" whatsonstage.com
★★★★.5 The Public Reviews
8/10- "a simple recipe for success" The Liverpool Echo
★★★★- "tremendously funny, heart-warming and soul-dividing" LS Media
Have you ever wondered what goes on backstage before and after a theatrical performance? A Life In The Theatre is a rare and unrelenting glimpse into the world of actors. A world which inhabits fluffed lines, missed cues, and disastrous wardrobe malfunctions. Liverpool’s very own Andrew Schofield and Stephen Fletcher, take us on a journey of self-reflection, in this stunning adaptation of David Mamet’s classic.
Schofield stars as Robert, a veteran of the stage who has a seemingly exhaustive array of wisdom to force upon his younger co-star. His performance is self-aggrandising, eccentric, and utterly perfect. Whilst Fletcher’s John is more subtle, expressing great depth with just a flick of his gaze. The two actors work extremely well together, drawing out one another’s strengths and pulling the audience back in with them. This partnership is evident right down to the pair’s decision to self-direct. A risky choice that pays off tremendously. All decisions are well thought out, from the inventive set design to wardrobe choices. You get the feeling that this is a perfectly executed play, in which no step or beat is missed.
This is a performance that is more often than not, completely hilarious; peppered with witty insights and devastatingly delivered one liners. Though for every ridiculous dance and musical choice, which brings tremendous laughter, there is also a great deal of heart running through the core. A Life In The Theatre is a poignant insight into the life of an actor. A life that can be full of jealousy, cynicism and loneliness. A life that all of us are invited into, and can relate to in one way or another.
This play was on at the Actors’ Studio until March 18th but the run has since been extended (Tues 20 -24 March), so now audiences have more time to experience one of the first major productions of Mamet’s work in Liverpool. With two incredible actors at the helm, you won’t be left disappointed. Make sure you book a ticket, not to be missed!